Develop Real-Time Chat Apps with Laravel Reverb and Vue 3




5 min read

In today’s digital era, real-time chat apps have become an essential means of communication, fostering connections between users across the globe instantly. The development of such applications requires a robust framework that can manage real-time data efficiently and seamlessly. This is where Laravel Reverb and Vue 3 come into play, offering developers a powerful combination of tools to craft sophisticated chat apps. By leveraging Laravel Reverb for the backend and Vue 3 for the frontend, developers can build interactive and scalable real-time chat applications that meet the demand for instant communication.

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This article aims to guide you through the process of developing real-time chat apps using Laravel Reverb and Vue 3, from setting up your development environment to deploying a fully-functional chat application. We will start by setting up the development environment, then move on to building the backend with Laravel Reverb, and developing the frontend with Vue 3. Finally, we will cover testing and running your chat application, ensuring that you have a solid foundation to create your own chat gpt apps. By the end of this guide, you will be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of crafting real-time chat applications, making the most of the synergy between Laravel Reverb and Vue 3.

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Setting Up Your Development Environment

To initiate the development of a real-time chat application using Laravel Reverb and Vue 3, start by installing Laravel 11 with the Composer command:

composer create-project laravel/laravel:^11.0 laravel-reverb-react-chat 
cd laravel-reverb-react-chat/
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Following the installation, configure Laravel Reverb by executing the command:

php artisan install:broadcasting
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This command facilitates the installation of Laravel Reverb and builds the necessary Node dependencies for broadcasting. Ensure that the environment variables specific to Reverb are correctly set in the .env file, including BROADCAST_CONNECTION=reverb, REVERB_APP_ID, REVERB_APP_KEY, and others.

Next, proceed to configure the reverb.php and broadcasting.php files located in the config directory. These configurations are crucial for establishing a connection to Reverb, where the Reverb "application" credentials play a pivotal role in verifying client-server requests.

For the frontend setup with Vue 3, begin by installing Vue CLI globally using:

npm install -g @vue/cli
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Then create a new Vue project with vue create client. Navigate to the client directory and start the development server with npm run serve. Integrate Vue 3 into your Laravel project by updating the src/App.vue file with your desired components and layouts, and make API requests to the Laravel backend using Axios or similar HTTP client libraries.

Lastly, incorporate Tailwind CSS for styling by installing it via npm and configuring it in your project to enhance the UI of your chat application 10.

Building the Backend

Creating Models, Migrations, and Controllers

To establish the foundation of the backend, one starts by generating a model along with its corresponding migration and controller using the command:

php artisan make:model Message -mcr
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This command efficiently sets up the necessary files, enabling the creation of the messages database table and the establishment of CRUD operations within the controller.

Defining Routes and Blade Views

Next, the routes are defined in the web.php file, ensuring that they are correctly set up to handle incoming requests. For instance, routes for different settings pages are meticulously mapped to their respective controllers 18. Concurrently, Blade views are created and linked to these routes, allowing for dynamic content rendering based on the passed route parameters.

Handling Real-Time Broadcasting with Laravel Reverb

Finally, to handle real-time broadcasting, Laravel Reverb is integrated by setting up the necessary broadcasting configurations and creating events that trigger real-time updates. Commands like php artisan install:broadcasting are used to configure Laravel Reverb. Events are then defined to broadcast updates to the client, ensuring seamless real-time communication within the chat application.

Developing the Frontend

Designing the Chat Interface with Vue 3

In the development of the chat interface using Vue 3, the App.vue component orchestrates the core functionalities such as fetching chat messages and managing user interactions. The design integrates a Messages component that displays chat messages in a list, where each message includes the sender's name, avatar, and text. This setup ensures that the latest messages are immediately visible through the use of a bottomRef, which Vue's onUpdate lifecycle function automatically scrolls to upon message arrival.

Using Vue Components for Real-Time Interactivity

To enhance real-time interactivity, the Input component in Vue allows users to input text and send messages. This component does not send messages directly but triggers a callback when the send button is clicked, which then communicates with the backend to process the message. The seamless integration of components like ChatMessages.vue within the Vue application facilitates efficient data handling and user interaction, leveraging the Axios library for asynchronous data transfer.

Managing Chat Messages and Notifications
Effective management of chat messages and notifications is crucial for a responsive user experience. Utilizing WebSockets, the frontend can receive notifications pushed from the server, addressing concerns about performance and connection management. Additionally, the Messages component is designed to differentiate messages sent by the user from those received, enhancing the clarity and usability of the chat interface.

Testing and Running Your Chat Application

Starting the Laravel Event Broadcasting Server

To initiate the Laravel event broadcasting, utilize the command php artisan reverb:start to activate the WebSocket server, ensuring real-time communication capabilities. This setup is crucial for managing live interactions within the chat application.

Compiling Assets with Laravel Vite

During development, compile your assets using Vite by running npm run build. This command assembles the frontend resources, integrating them seamlessly with Laravel through the Vite configuration. Ensure that the Vite development server is correctly configured to handle HTTPS connections if required.

Performing End-to-End Testing

For comprehensive testing, execute end-to-end tests by setting up a testing environment that mimics production settings. Utilize the php artisan serve command to run the application and verify its functionality by logging in as different users and interacting within the chat. This process helps in identifying and resolving any issues before the final deployment.


Throughout this article, we’ve navigated the intricate process of building a real-time chat application using Laravel Reverb and Vue 3, highlighting the strengths and synergies of these technologies. From configuring the initial setup to integrating real-time broadcasting, every step has been designed to equip you with the knowledge to create sophisticated and scalable chat applications. This journey not only emphasizes the importance of real-time data management in today's digital communication but also illustrates how these technologies can be effectively harnessed to achieve it.

The broader implications of adopting Laravel Reverb and Vue 3 for real-time chat applications suggest a robust framework for developers aiming at high-performance and responsive chat solutions. As we conclude, remember that the journey of learning and development extends beyond the completion of this project. There's ample opportunity for further research, especially in optimizing performance and enhancing user experience. Embrace the challenges and possibilities as you venture into developing your chat applications, empowered by the insights and foundations laid out in this guide.

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