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Announcing Vue 3.3


Today we're excited to announce the release of Vue 3.3 "Rurouni Kenshin"!

This release is focused on developer experience improvements - in particular, SFC <script setup> usage with TypeScript. Together with the 1.6 release of Vue Language Tools (previously known as Volar), we have resolved many long-standing pain points when using Vue with TypeScript.

This post provides an overview of the highlighted features in 3.3. For the full list of changes, please consult the full changelog on GitHub.

:::tip Dependency Updates When upgrading to 3.3, it is recommended to also update the following dependencies:

  • volar / vue-tsc@^1.6.4
  • vite@^4.3.5
  • @vitejs/plugin-vue@^4.2.0
  • vue-loader@^17.1.0 (if using webpack or vue-cli) :::


<script setup> + TypeScript DX Improvements

Imported and Complex Types Support in Macros

Previously, types used in the type parameter position of defineProps and defineEmits were limited to local types, and only supported type literals and interfaces. This is because Vue needs to be able to analyze the properties on the props interface in order to generate corresponding runtime options.

This limitation is now resolved in 3.3. The compiler can now resolve imported types, and supports a limited set of complex types:

<script setup lang="ts">
  import type { Props } from './foo'

  // imported + intersection type
  defineProps<Props & { extraProp?: string }>()

Do note that complex types support is AST-based and therefore not 100% comprehensive. Some complex types that require actual type analysis, e.g. conditional types, are not supported. You can use conditional types for the type of a single prop, but not the entire props object.

Generic Components

Components using <script setup> can now accept generic type parameters via the generic attribute:

<script setup lang="ts" generic="T">
    items: T[]
    selected: T

The value of generic works exactly the same as the parameter list between <...> in TypeScript. For example, you can use multiple parameters, extends constraints, default types, and reference imported types:

<script setup lang="ts" generic="T extends string | number, U extends Item">
  import type { Item } from './types'
    id: T
    list: U[]

This feature previously required explicit opt-in, but is now enabled by default in the latest version of volar / vue-tsc.

More Ergonomic defineEmits

Previously, the type parameter for defineEmits only supports the call signature syntax:

const emit = defineEmits<{
  (e: 'foo', id: number): void
  (e: 'bar', name: string, any[]): void

The type matches the return type for emit, but is a bit verbose and awkward to write. 3.3 introduces a more ergonomic way of declaring emits with types:

const emit = defineEmits<{
  foo: [id: number]
  bar: [name: string, any[]]

In the type literal, the key is the event name and the value is an array type specifying the additional arguments. Although not required, you can use the labeled tuple elements for explicitness, like in the example above.

The call signature syntax is still supported.

Typed Slots with defineSlots

The new defineSlots macro can be used to declare expected slots and their respective expected slot props:

<script setup lang="ts">
    default?: (props: { msg: string }) => any
    item?: (props: { id: number }) => any

defineSlots() only accepts a type parameter and no runtime arguments. The type parameter should be a type literal where the property key is the slot name, and the value is a slot function. The first argument of the function is the props the slot expects to receive, and its type will be used for slot props in the template. The returning value of defineSlots is the same slots object returned from useSlots.

Some current limitations:

  • Required slots checking is not yet implemented in volar / vue-tsc.
  • Slot function return type is currently ignored and can be any, but we may leverage it for slot content checking in the future.

There is also a corresponding slots option for defineComponent usage. Both APIs have no runtime implications and serve purely as type hints for IDEs and vue-tsc.

Experimental Features

Reactive Props Destructure

Previously part of the now-dropped Reactivity Transform, reactive props destructure has been split into a separate feature.

The feature allows destructured props to retain reactivity, and provides a more ergonomic way to declare props default values:

<script setup>
  import { watchEffect } from 'vue'

  const { msg = 'hello' } = defineProps(['msg'])

  watchEffect(() => {
    // accessing `msg` in watchers and computed getters
    // tracks it as a dependency, just like accessing `props.msg`
    console.log(`msg is: ${msg}`)

<template>{{ msg }}</template>

This feature is experimental and requires explicit opt-in.


Previously, for a component to support two-way binding with v-model, it needs to (1) declare a prop and (2) emit a corresponding update:propName event when it intends to update the prop:

<!-- BEFORE -->
<script setup>
  const props = defineProps(['modelValue'])
  const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])

  function onInput(e) {

  <input :value="modelValue" @input="onInput" />

3.3 simplifies the usage with the new defineModel macro. The macro automatically registers a prop, and returns a ref that can be directly mutated:

<!-- AFTER -->
<script setup>
  const modelValue = defineModel()

  <input v-model="modelValue" />

This feature is experimental and requires explicit opt-in.

Other Notable Features


The new defineOptions macro allows declaring component options directly in <script setup>, without requiring a separate <script> block:

<script setup>
  defineOptions({ inheritAttrs: false })

Better Getter Support with toRef and toValue

toRef has been enhanced to support normalizing values / getters / existing refs into refs:

// equivalent to ref(1)
// creates a readonly ref that calls the getter on .value access
toRef(() =>
// returns existing refs as-is

Calling toRef with a getter is similar to computed, but can be more efficient when the getter is just performing property access with no expensive computations.

The new toValue utility method provides the opposite, normalizing values / getters / refs into values:

toValue(1) //       --> 1
toValue(ref(1)) //  --> 1
toValue(() => 1) // --> 1

toValue can be used in composables in place of unref so that your composable can accept getters as reactive data sources:

// before: allocating unnecessary intermediate refs
useFeature(computed(() =>
useFeature(toRef(props, 'foo'))

// after: more efficient and succinct
useFeature(() =>

The relationship between toRef and toValue is similar to that between ref and unref, with the main difference being the special handling of getter functions.

JSX Import Source Support

Currently, Vue's types automatically registers global JSX typing. This may cause conflict with used together with other libraries that needs JSX type inference, in particular React.

Starting in 3.3, Vue supports specifying JSX namespace via TypeScript's jsxImportSource option. This allows the users to choose global or per-file opt-in based on their use case.

For backwards compatibility, 3.3 still registers JSX namespace globally. We plan to remove the default global registration in 3.4. If you are using TSX with Vue, you should add explicit jsxImportSource to your tsconfig.json after upgrading to 3.3 to avoid breakage in 3.4.

Maintenance Infrastructure Improvements

This release builds upon many maintenance infrastructure improvements that allow us to move faster with more confidence:

  • 10x faster builds by separating type checking from the rollup build and moving from rollup-plugin-typescript2 to rollup-plugin-esbuild.
  • Faster tests by moving from Jest to Vitest.
  • Faster types generation by moving from @microsoft/api-extractor to rollup-plugin-dts.
  • Comprehensive regression tests via ecosystem-ci - catches regressions in major ecosystem dependents before releases!

As planned, we aim to start making smaller and more frequent feature releases in 2023. Stay tuned!